8th Annual Utah Banks & Partners Golf Classic
Enjoy a great day of golf in support of Utah's Banking Industry!
Wednesday, August 28, 2024
8:00am Shotgun Start
Old Mill Golf Course
6080 South Wasatch Blvd.
Salt Lake City, UT 84121
(If you are registering a foursome, please send the participants' names to brian@utah.bank.)
Tournament Sponsor

Masters Sponsors
Classic Sponsors
Foursome Sponsors
Hole Sponsors
Available Sponsorship Opportunities
View the package descriptions below, then fill out the sponsorship application here.
Tournament Sponsor - $3,500 SOLD!
Logo on Golfer Gift
Includes: Two golfers (includes cart, gift, continental breakfast, snack cart, and lunch), logo on participant gift, opportunity for prize giveaway, logo on event signage and website.
Masters Sponsor - $2,500 SOLD!
Sponsorships Available: Lunch or Snack Cart
Includes: Two golfers (includes cart, gift, continental breakfast, snack cart, and lunch), opportunity for prize giveaway, logo on event signage and website.
Classic Sponsor - $1,500
Sponsorships Available: Breakfast, Longest Drive, Longest Putt, Closest to Pin
Includes: One golfer (includes cart, gift, continental breakfast, snack cart, and lunch), one representative at contest hole, opportunity for prize giveaway, logo on event signage and website.
Foursome Sponsor - $1,200
Includes: Four golfers- select your players (includes cart, gift, continental breakfast, snack cart, and lunch), logo on event signage and website.
Golf Hole Sponsor - $500
Includes: Signage and one representative at sponsored hole, continental breakfast, lunch, opportunity for prize giveaway, and logo on event signage and website
Individual Player - $275
Includes: One round of golf (includes cart, gift, continental breakfast, snack cart, and lunch), Grouping will be assigned.