Legislative Tracking 2025

The 2025 General Session of the Utah State Legislature runs from January 21 to March 7.

The list of bills we are tracking will be posted below, check back often for updates!

2025 Legislative Bill Tracking 

H.B. 38 S2 
Criminal Offenses Modifications (Sub 2)

Prime Sponsor
Rep. Ryan D. Wilcox


House/ 2nd reading (2/4/2025)


This bill:
amends the enhancement for offenses committed in concert with three or more persons or in relation to a criminal street gang;

amends certain theft, retail theft, and prostitution sentencing enhancements to include prior convictions in other state, federal, or military courts;

clarifies that in sentencing for an offense related to retail theft, the value of the stolen item is determined by the item's retail value;

amends the offense of sexual extortion;

adds offenses that may be charged as part of a pattern of unlawful activity;

increases the fine for an individual who is convicted of the offense of patronizing a prostitute;

increases penalties for an individual who:

acts to bring a minor into a criminal street gang in certain circumstances; and

acts to intimidate a minor into remaining in a criminal street gang in certain circumstances;

includes coordination clauses to coordinate changes between this bill, H.B. 21, Criminal Code Recodification and Cross References, and H.B. 22, Prostitution Offense Amendments; and

makes technical and conforming changes.

Details »

H.B. 67 
Precious Metals Investment and Administration Amendments

Prime Sponsor
Rep. Ken Ivory


Senate/ placed on 2nd Reading Calendar (2/4/2025)

This bill:
allows the state treasurer to deduct administrative costs for investing in precious metals from earnings generated by the investments in certain funds; and

makes technical changes.

Details »

H.B. 95 S2
Campaign Contribution Revisions (Sub 2)

Prime Sponsor
Rep. Michael J. Petersen


 House/ held (2/10/2025)

This bill:
▸removes a provision that exempts a corporation from reporting a campaign expenditure if a reporting entity that receives the expenditure is required to report receipt of the expenditure.

Details »

H.B. 96
Fraud Amendments

Prime Sponsor
Rep. Paul A. Cutler


Senate/ 1st reading (Introduced) (2/7/2025)

This bill: 
amends the criminal offense of defrauding of creditors to increase the penalty for the offense based on the value of the fraud; and

makes technical and conforming changes.

Details »

H.B. 99
Residential Mortgage Loan Amendments

Prime Sponsor
Rep. Gay Lynn Bennion


Senate/ 1st reading (Introduced) (2/7/2025)

This bill: 
defines terms;

provides the Division of Real Estate authority to issue a citation to a person transacting residential mortgage loans that violates trigger lead standards; 

provides conditions where the use of information derived from a consumer report to solicit a consumer is prohibited; and

makes technical and conforming changes.

Details »

H.B. 108
Fraudulent Deed Amendments

Prime Sponsor
Rep. R. Neil Walter


Senate/ placed on 2nd Reading Calendar (2/5/2025)

This bill: 
 ▸ excludes governing documents or a reinvestment fee covenant from the definition of a deed.

Details »

H.B. 149 
Single Family Homes Ownership Amendments

Prime Sponsor
Rep. Tyler Clancy


House/ 1st reading (Introduced) (1/21/2025)

This bill:
▸defines terms;

prohibits an institutional investor from purchasing a single-family home in this state; and

provides that an institutional investor that does purchase a single-family home in this state must alienate that home within one year of purchasing the home.

Details »

H.B. 151
Home Sales Amendments

Prime Sponsor
Rep. Gay Lynn Bennion


House/ 1st reading (Introduced) (1/21/2025)

This bill:
defines terms;

requires a purchaser to sign an affidavit of intent to occupy when buying a single-family

home within the first 30 days the single-family home is on the market, unless the seller incurs an exigent circumstance;

requires that a purchaser record an affidavit of intent to occupy with a county recorder; and

prohibits the bulk sale of foreclosed single-family homes.

Details »

H.B. 230 S2
Blockchain and Digital Innovation Amendments (Sub 2)

Prime Sponsor
Rep. Jordan D. Teuscher


Senate/ 1st reading (Introduced) (2/7/2025)

This bill:
defines terms;

authorizes the state treasurer to invest certain public funds in qualifying digital assets;

establishes requirements for the custody and management of digital assets;

creates regulatory requirements for stablecoin investments; and

authorizes the state treasurer to engage in staking and lending of digital assets under specified conditions.

Details »

H.B. 279
Earned Wage Access Services Act

Prime Sponsor
Sen. A. Cory Maloy


House Comm - Not Considered (2/5/2025)

This bill:
▸ defines terms;

 enacts provisions related to earned wage access services, including provider registration and renewal;

provides conditions for an earned wage access service provider to be exempt from state lender, money transmission, or debt collection requirements;

directs the Division of Consumer Protection to administer and enforce the Earned Wage Access Services Act; and

makes technical and conforming changes.

Details »

H.B. 284
International Money Transmission Amendments

Prime Sponsor
Sen. Stephanie Gricius


House/ received fiscal note from Fiscal Analyst (2/10/2025)

This bill:
defines terms;

requires customers requesting an international money transmission from a licensed money transmitter to pay a fee on the transaction unless the customer presents valid identification;

requires money transmitters to remit fee revenue to the Department of Financial Institutions on a quarterly basis and post a notice regarding the fee;

provides for the deposit and use of fee revenue;

authorizes the Commissioner of Financial Institutions to make rules to administer the fee and impose penalties on a money transmitter for failing to comply with the fee requirements;

enacts a nonrefundable income tax credit for individuals who pay the international money transmission fee equal to the aggregate amount of fees paid during the taxable year; and

makes technical changes.

Details »

H.B. 306 S1
Precious Metals Amendments

Prime Sponsor
Sen. Ken Ivory


House/ 2nd reading (2/6/2025)

This bill:
extends and adds a sunset date to the state treasurer's precious metals study requirement;

requires the state treasurer to develop and issue a request for proposals for a precious metals-backed electronic payment system;

establishes requirements for the request for proposals;

requires the state treasurer to evaluate proposals; and

requires annual reporting to the Revenue and Taxation Interim Committee.


H.B. 367
Charitable Contribution Tax Credit Amendments

Prime Sponsor
Rep. Thomas W. Peterson


House/ received fiscal note from Fiscal Analyst (2/4/2025)

This bill:
defines terms;

enacts a nonrefundable income tax credit for individuals who make charitable contributions to nonprofit organizations engaged in affordable housing;

requires a claimant to obtain certification from each organization to which a charitable contribution is made; and

provides for apportionment of the tax credit for nonresidents and part-year residents.

Details »

H.B. 440
Uniform Mortgage Modification Act Bill

Prime Sponsor
Rep. Jordan D. Teuscher


House/ received fiscal note from Fiscal Analyst (2/10/2025)

This bill:
codifies the types of modifications that may be made to a mortgage loan that will not materially prejudice interest holders; and

contains safe harbor provisions for mortgage modifications that do not materially prejudice the holders of a junior interest.

Details »

H.B. 441
Franchisee Protection Act

Prime Sponsor
Rep. Ken Ivory


House/ received fiscal note from Fiscal Analyst (2/10/2025)

This bill:
defines terms;

prohibits a franchisor from requiring a franchisee to open on a religious holiday or day of worship when doing so conflicts with the franchisee's sincerely held religious belief;

provides exceptions under which a franchisor may require a franchisee to open when doing so may conflict with the franchisee's sincerely held religious belief;

provides a remedy for a franchisee if the franchisor violates the prohibition without an exception; and

provides a civil penalty for a franchisor that violates the prohibition without an exception.

Details »

S.B. 70
Consumer Reporting Amendments

Prime Sponsor
Sen. Stephanie Pitcher


House/ 1st reading (Introduced) (2/7/2025)

This bill:
establishes prohibitions on what information an consumer reporting agency may provide;

provides exceptions to the prohibitions on what information an consumer reporting agency may provide; and

makes technical changes.

Details »

S.B. 116 
Income Tax Modifications

Prime Sponsor
Sen. Daniel McCay


Senate/ received fiscal note from Fiscal Analyst (1/21/2025)

This bill:
amends the corporate franchise and income tax rates; and

amends the individual income tax rate.

Details »

S.B. 142 S4
App Store Accountability Act (Sub 4)

Prime Sponsor
Sen. Todd Weiler


House/ 1st reading (Introduced) (2/10/2025)

This bill:
defines terms;

requires app store providers to:

verify user ages;

obtain parental consent for minor accounts;

notify users and parents of significant changes;

share age and consent data with developers; and

protect age verification data;

prohibits app store providers from:

enforcing contracts against minors without parental consent; and

misrepresenting parental content disclosures;

requires developers to:

 verify age and consent status through app stores; and

notify app stores of significant changes;

prohibits developers from:

enforcing contracts against minors without verified parental consent; and

misrepresenting parental content disclosures;

designates violations of certain provisions as deceptive trade practices;

requires the Division of Consumer Protection to establish standards for age verification methods;

creates a private right of action for parents of harmed minors;

provides a safe harbor for compliant developers; and

includes a severability clause.

Details »

S.B. 219
Financial Institution Tax Amendments

Prime Sponsor
Sen. Michael K. McKell


Senate/ to standing committee (2/5/2025)

This bill:
grants rulemaking authority to the State Tax Commission to establish the sales to include in the sales factor fraction for financial institutions; and

provides that sales from Utah investment and trading activities of financial institutions are not sourced to Utah.

Details »

S.B. 226
Artificial Intelligence Consumer Protection Amendments

Prime Sponsor
Sen. Kirk A. Cullimore


Senate/ received fiscal note from Fiscal Analyst (2/7/2025)

This bill:
defines terms;

requires certain disclosures when generative artificial intelligence is used in consumer transactions and regulated services;

establishes liability for violations of consumer protection laws involving artificial intelligence;

provides a safe harbor for certain disclosures;

grants rulemaking and enforcement authority to the Division of Consumer Protection; and

establishes penalties for violations

Details »

Bill Status

= Bill has passed
= Failed
= Added since last call
= Updated since last call

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Tracking Key

A = Amend
M = Monitoring
N = Neutral
O = Oppose
S = Support
? = Input Needed
() = Proposed Position