
Get Involved

We the People

For more than 100 years, UBA has been actively involved in shaping the issues that impact the success of Utah's banking industry. Legislators consider UBA the subject matter expert on financial issues in the state of Utah.

We understand member’s concerns about the legislative and regulatory issues that affect a bank's operations. UBA maintains a registered lobbyist and works year-round with legislators on state and national banking issues that protect you and our industry. We identify potential regulatory conflicts and work closely with bank regulators and elected officials alike to ensure that the banking industry’s perspective is known, understood, and considered in the decision-making process.

Each year, UBA hosts a number of events to bring bankers together to deliver the banking industry’s message to public policy makers and regulators, including: Bankers Day at the Legislature, an annual visit to Washington, D.C., and grassroots meetings around the state. The active support of members strengthens our advocacy efforts on banking issues both in the state legislature and Washington, D.C.

In addition, UBA's non-partisan, voluntary political action committee, UBA Action PAC, supports state and federal candidates who understand and support the banking industry.