About UBA

Who We Are

Utah Bankers Association

The Utah Bankers Association is the professional and trade association for Utah's commercial banks, savings banks and industrial loan corporations. Established in 1908, the UBA serves, represents and advocates the interests of its members, enhancing their ability to be preeminent providers of financial services.

Through UBA, hundreds of Utah Bankers volunteer each year to serve on UBA boards, committees, task forces, AIB committees and take part in combating fiscal illiteracy by educating Utah's consumers.

Mission Statement

The Utah Bankers Association is a financial services trade association comprised of Regional, Community, and Industrial Banks. The Association’s mission is to:

  • Promote a favorable image and understanding of the banking industry to the general public and maintain the public confidence in the strength and security of Utah’s financial service industry.

  • Protect the industry against legislation or regulation which could result in undue or burdensome oversight or competitive disadvantage.

  • Provide (i) membership with assistance and resources designed to improve operational efficiency and profitability and (ii) a forum for open communication between providers of financial services in Utah.

President's Message

Howard Headlee

The Bottom Line
Howard Headlee, President, Utah Bankers Association

"Unbelievable.  That’s the only way I can describe the current political situation.  But perhaps not for the reasons one would expect.  
It’s been decades since we witnessed the attempted assassination of a President of the United States.  And while it is unbelievable that someone was able to get a gun onto a roof in such proximity to a high-profile target, it’s even more unbelievable that a subtle head turn was the only thing preventing a catastrophic event that could have dramatically changed so many aspects of American life."