
9 total

Agriculture Committee  

The general responsibility of the Agricultural Committee is to assist the agricultural community and financial institutions in becoming better informed about the latest innovations and technology in and for agriculture and for agricultural related businesses.

  last person joined 11 months ago

Compliance Committee  

The general purpose of the UBA Compliance Committee is to enhance individual UBA member banks in their ability to understand, reply to, and comply with the various laws and regulations governing banking today.

  last person joined 3 months ago

Convention Committee  

The responsibility of the Convention Committee is to arrange, plan and execute the UBA Annual Convention within a budget recommended by the committee and approved by the UBA Chairman and President.

  last person joined 9 months ago

CRA Committee  

The general purpose of the UBA CRA Committee is to provide a resource for industry CRA officers in their ability to understand, reply to, and comply with all aspects of the Community Reinvestment Act laws and regulations governing banking today.

  last person joined 4 days ago

Education Committee  

The objective of the UBA Education Committee is to add value to banking partners by developing educational opportunities that enhance members’ critical knowledge of the banking industry and the development of soft skills that will develop and retain talent in the banking industry.

  last person joined 8 months ago

Emerging Bank Leaders Board  

Emerging Bank Leaders Board

  last person joined 6 months ago

Financial Literacy Committee  

The general purpose of the Financial Literacy Committee is to create a public awareness of the need for financial literacy education and provide a resource for educators and bankers in providing programs. In addition, the committee is charged with promotion of financial literacy initiatives and public recognition of issues surrounding financial literacy, as well those institutions, bankers and educators involved in the process.

  last person joined 5 months ago

IT Strategy and Security Roundtable  

The objective of the I.T. Strategy and Security Roundtable is to provide an informal forum for a multidisciplinary discussion of IT strategy and security across the enterprise.

  last person joined 9 months ago

Women in Banking Conference Committee  

The responsibility of the Women’s Conference Committee is to arrange, plan and execute the Annual UBA Women’s Conference within a budget that is determined and approved by the UBA Board of Directors. The Conference should be planned as a moneymaking event, to provide a source of non-dues income to the Association.

  last person joined 6 months ago